Sandefjord Photo Shoot

Last Saturday we went walking around the city, doing some filming for a video. The boys needed to answer some questions that they received from a kindergarten class in Georgia, and we thought it would be fun to do it in video format!While we were out, we snapped some more pictures of our city (… and of course our boys!). This place really is beautiful – and it still looks very much like winter. Can’t wait to see it when everything is in bloom!

















After several weeks, we are starting to feel more at home here. The boys are in the third week of school and doing great. An we (Z&J) started language classes today.

I’m attaching several pictures. I never know in what order this crazy app will post the pictures! But here’s what I’m including:
-We take victories anyway we can get them. I got a haircut using my limited Norwegian and the hairdresser’s limited English (she did a lot better than I did!)
-We spent Saturday at a conference in a nearby town. It was a beautiful place. And bonus: they had English interpretation via headsets!
-Friday William was invited to a birthday party for a school friend. So while he was gone, we treated Daniel to McDonalds.
-Being from the southern US, we were unfamiliar with these big metal electric blocks that thaw the ground in order to dig a grave.
-Daniel was excited to help us grocery shop today, with a kid-sized shopping cart!









"Can" you figure this out?

We are settling nicely into our home and town. We have small victories and minor setbacks on a daily basis.

Today I was excited to make chili for dinner. That is, until I realized I don’t have a can opener. So I rummaged through drawers and came upon something…

Take a look at the picture. I have never seen anything like this before. I thought it must be a can opener, but couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.

Superman to the rescue… Zack worked with it and finally figured out how to use it. My hero!

I found out later from my aunt that it is just like one my great-grandmother used to use (hers wasn’t so rusty though!).

And for those who already expressed concern, we are all current on our tetanus shots!

Moving in the Right Direction

Looks like we have a home!Zack and William took the train back to Sandefjord on Monday to sign the lease, and we made a trip to the bank on Tuesday to make the deposit (our first banking experience here – success!). All looks to be in line for us to move in by Wednesday of next week!

We are renting the second floor of a beautiful home built in 1897. It has lots of windows, beautiful floors, and way more than any expectations than we had. The landlord has been great to work with so far, and we look forward to getting to know him and his family (including two sons not much older than our boys!).

Here is a sneak peak…

The view from the master bedroom
Living room
Kitchen (this is where God really knocked our socks off!)


On Monday, we rented a car and drove to Sandefjord, the city where we will ultimately be living. We stayed two nights, toured the city, looked at several apartments, met with a local friend, and visited the boys’ school. We are incredibly excited about our new town and can’t wait to get settled there.
We have one apartment that looks to be a very good option – awaiting the final lease and all the details to fall into place. Hopefully we’ll have everything finalized early next week.
We are back in Oslo now, spending some time trying to learn about the city, the culture, and little bits of the language. Zack is excited to get to spend some time with several of his Norwegian friends tomorrow, and we hope to visit a couple of museums over the weekend.
It is SOOOOO cold for Georgia natives (supposed to get down to -16C tonight!), but we are thankful to have lots of warm clothes that make it bearable!
Here are a few pictures from Sandefjord:





Our first official Note from Norge!

And now we can officially live up to our blog title!

The last week and a half were a whirlwind, to say the least. But here’s the short version: we got permission to travel to Norway, and we are here!

We arrived late Friday evening. We were greeted by several friends and are now in our temporary apartment in Oslo. It is good to be here… and a bit surreal!

Jet lag is a killer. We slept well our first night, mostly from exhaustion I guess! But it is about 4:30 AM right now, and Zack & I are wide awake. Guess it will just take time to get adjusted!

We will write more as we get settled. For now, here are a couple of pictures from our first day here.





Rise Up!

We are big Atlanta Falcons fans. Zack and I both grew up cheering for them (particularly in the era of Steve Bartkowski!).

We just had to find a place to watch their playoff game last Sunday. But we’ve discovered this to be a tough thing to do here when you have kids in tow – restaurants here that have bars don’t usually allow kids. But after a bit of wandering, we found a place downtown to watch.

A 1:00 east coast start means a 10:00 brunch for us! We enjoyed a nice meal while watching with lots of Seattle fans. Thankfully, our team came out on top! (Despite almost giving it away in the second half!)

We are looking forward to another game – and win – this weekend!


Vancouver for a bit longer

We won’t be leaving for Norway on January 26 like we had originally thought. We are still waiting for our immigration approval and it looks like it could still be a little while.

So we are going to be spending a bit more time in Vancouver. Not what we expected, but also not a surprise to God! We look forward to seeing what He has in store as we wait on next steps.

Here are some recent photos…