After several weeks, we are starting to feel more at home here. The boys are in the third week of school and doing great. An we (Z&J) started language classes today.
I’m attaching several pictures. I never know in what order this crazy app will post the pictures! But here’s what I’m including:
-We take victories anyway we can get them. I got a haircut using my limited Norwegian and the hairdresser’s limited English (she did a lot better than I did!)
-We spent Saturday at a conference in a nearby town. It was a beautiful place. And bonus: they had English interpretation via headsets!
-Friday William was invited to a birthday party for a school friend. So while he was gone, we treated Daniel to McDonalds.
-Being from the southern US, we were unfamiliar with these big metal electric blocks that thaw the ground in order to dig a grave.
-Daniel was excited to help us grocery shop today, with a kid-sized shopping cart!