On Monday, we rented a car and drove to Sandefjord, the city where we will ultimately be living. We stayed two nights, toured the city, looked at several apartments, met with a local friend, and visited the boys’ school. We are incredibly excited about our new town and can’t wait to get settled there.
We have one apartment that looks to be a very good option – awaiting the final lease and all the details to fall into place. Hopefully we’ll have everything finalized early next week.
We are back in Oslo now, spending some time trying to learn about the city, the culture, and little bits of the language. Zack is excited to get to spend some time with several of his Norwegian friends tomorrow, and we hope to visit a couple of museums over the weekend.
It is SOOOOO cold for Georgia natives (supposed to get down to -16C tonight!), but we are thankful to have lots of warm clothes that make it bearable!
Sounds a lot like the weather we encountered in China. COLD cold cold! Blessings as you all settle in!!! XO