What motivates you? What gets you up and moving? What pushes you towards change?For me, it’s a number of things.
Sometimes it’s simply a change of seasons. That typically means swapping out clothes – which usually leads to a bit of cleaning as well.
Sometimes it’s the prompting of a friend. Or a book. Or a documentary. Or some other outside source.
Sometimes it’s a number. The bathroom scale. A statistic. A birthday. (40 is just around the corner… and I am not sure how that is even possible.)
When it comes to motivation for change, Zack and I generally have to start big if we want it to really stick.
Right now we find ourselves in a phase of change – or at least an attempt! I’ve decided to call it Project ‘Get It Together’. It is touching on a number of areas of life. The way we eat. Our level of physical activity. My focus on writing. Gearing up for a couple of months in the states late this year. And other things.
So I thought I’d share with you some of the things we are working on, some of the tools we are using, and some of the reasons we feel motivated to ‘get it together’…
… Okay, not that we are falling apart or anything like that. But sometimes when I reflect, I see that things have slipped in certain areas of my life, and I want to get back on track…
And that is where we are now.
So here we go – ‘Project Get It Together’!