Saying Good-bye

Many songs have been written about it.

We are in the heart of a season of goodbyes. The songs are right. It’s not easy. In some most cases, it’s just plain hard. There have been tears already. And with just two weeks until we leave the states, there will surely be more.

It has been interesting to see how each of us handles the sadness of goodbyes. It has been a good lesson in facing and dealing honestly with our emotions. It has been an important lesson in leaving well.

But as we get towards the end of of our goodbyes, we remember that it’s not really goodbye, it’s only see you later… and until we meet again!    Happy Trails to You

One thought on “Saying Good-bye”

  1. Hi My name is Jenna
    Your kids are handsome princes, cute blessings, special earthly angels, and precious gifts and miracles.
    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, developmental delays, and 14 other medical conditions.

    Here is a new poem I wrote, it’s called it takes courage:
    It Takes courage to love
    Like a dove
    It takes courage to fight,
    It takes courage to do what’s right
    It takes courage to stay strong,
    When things go wrong
    It takes courage to write a song
    It takes courage to live
    It takes courage to give
    It takes courage to fight this beast
    It takes courage to be brave
    It takes courage to smile and wave
    It takes courage to keep positive
    Keep on fighting!
    It takes courage to win!

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