Yes, I am extremely into decorating for Christmas. I get it honest. My grandmother was an avid decorator. My mom is as well. I guess it just runs in the family.
When we prepared to move to Norway, we had to downsize in a major way. I think the biggest cuts involved our Christmas decorations. We had so.many.boxes.
Lights. Ornaments. Nativities. Snowmen. Santas. Angels. You name it, we probably had it. I was determined to narrow things down to one large Rubbermaid tote (I think we had somewhere between eight and ten. Don’t judge.) Well, one became three. But that’s progress, right?
This will be our fifth Christmas since moving. And no surprise, I’ve managed to accumulate a few more Christmas items over the years.
Including a big assortment of santas and julenisser (the Norwegian equivalent). About 25 or so, actually.
I didn’t plan for it to happen. It just happened.
So I thought it would be fun to share them with you, along with the stories behind them. Because most of them have some kind of story. And I love telling stories!
It’s not the reason we celebrate, it’s just something fun. So be watching for the 25 Days of Santa!