Friday was 20 years since Zack and I went on our first date.
20 years since we sat in a restaurant overlooking Atlanta, and talked about our backgrounds and our futures.
20 years since we saw the movie Dangerous Minds.
20 years since we first held hands.
20 years since I got back to my dorm room and told my friends that I knew who I was going to marry.
We’ve lived through a lot together in twenty years! Of course not every day has been easy. But the hard times pale in comparison to the seasons of fun and laughter, adventure and unknowns, excitement and opportunity. It’s been crazy, and it’s been great!
I love getting to spend each and every day with my best friend.
As we walked through our city Friday night, I looked around and once again tried to take in the fact that we’re living on the other side of the world, speaking another language (or at least trying to!), the parents of two pretty rockin’ kids, with friends and family from one side of globe to the other…
… and then I looked at Zack and said, “could you have imagined all of this twenty years ago?”
They say time flies when you’re having fun. And I believe it’s true.
Here’s to twenty more… and twenty more after that!
Love this, and love y'all!
A beautiful story and love Hod's story written in your lives. Blessings and love!