It is easy to get caught up in complaining, in whining about things that don’t go my way. Circumstances that didn’t suit me, details that threw me off.This is the point in other posts where I might go on to list examples to illustrate my point. But to do that here would be counterproductive.
No. Beginning today, I will try to look for three positive things about each day. Maybe it was three things I loved, or three things I was excited about. Perhaps it was something small that made me smile, or something big that made me proud.
While I won’t share them on the blog every day, I will try to check in periodically with my three things for the day.
I challenge you to find {at least} three things every single day! Feel free to share them via Facebook, Twitter, a comment here, or on your blog. In social media, use the hashtag #thankfulthree .